Project information

  • Category: App design
  • Company: QIKKIDS
  • Product: My Family Lounge
  • Project URL: iOS Android


Start with internal stakeholder interviews

I spoke to Support, Sales, Delivery teams, Parents at work who were using the app to gather insights and an internal view about the app.

Validate with customers and users

I convinced the company to visit an OSHC (ie Outside of School Hours Centre) as I was hearing from internal stakeholders that these type of customers were voicing that their needs were not catered in comparison with Daycare Centres. We bribed parents at drop-off with pastries for their thoughts on booking sessions for their children amongst other things.



  • Parents found the experience of booking, cancelling and marking absent clunky especially when they wanted to book for multiple children at the same centre
  • The concept of Permanent and Casual bookings legend is internal terminology to QIKKIDS
  • Primary JTBD (Jobs to be done) booking, cancelling and marking absent; contacting the centre as a last resort;
  • Daycare centres found it easier to use than OSHC (ie Outside of School Hours Centres)

Initial State

Very clunky initial calendar app


✅ Redesign the calendar to familiar calendars such as Calendar Apps native to iOS and Android; Outlook app, Google Calendar (learn more about Design Affordances)

✅ Consolidate calendar view

✅ Reduce legend (bye bye Permanent and Casual; see you later Full)

✅ Be able to see all my children at the same centre

✅ Usability test the booking experience with the primary goal of reducing the friction of booking, cancelling and marking absent.

🎉 Make it POP (...just kidding - I actually despise this phrase)

New Design

Redesign of Calendar to manage childcare bookings

Design with Accessibility at the forefront

I strive to bake in accessibility (a11y) as much as possibile and do so my allocating time to do this. We did have team members who had a form of colour-blindness (its more common than you think). I was able to share and get feedback from them, and they were happy that I considered this aspect of design as it is usally overlooked.

I recommned this chrome extension to test for colour blindness.

Black and White app prototypes of the booking calendar


What went well

The team was able to deliver the first slice of work which was being able to:

  • see existing bookings
  • mark a session absent
  • contact the centre after being marked absent
  • Reduced friction by being able to see multiple children at the one centre was less clunky
  • Feedback from colleagues; parents was positive
  • Illustrations for empty states

What could be improved

  • Accessibility: At delivery stage you are at the mercy of the calendar plugin that the delivery team chooses; unfortunately accessibility and customisability is limited.

Next Steps

  • Seeing available sessions
  • Cancelling a session
Way better design for Calendar in app

About Neil


I started out as a Nurse for 8 years at Coronary Care Unit and Cardiac Rehabilitation. Although I found the job rewarding it was lacking something I couldn't articulate.

Frustrated with time wasted conducting and documenting a 6-minute walk test (6MWT), I decided to build an app so I could focus more time on my patients. I taught myself how to code and design in my spare time which eventually resulted in 6MWT app.

I found that Coding and Design gave me creative freedom to solve a problem and potentially disrupt an industry.

I wanted to learn from the best cutting edge company with a big heart so I worked at ThoughtWorks as Frontend Developer (FED) and User Experience Designer (UX).

I consider my FED strengths in to be HTML, CSS (SCSS), Javascript (Typescript/Angular). I am a strong advocate for increasing confidence by writing tests and abstracting elements into reusable components. FYI I'm a self-confessed Ionic Fanboy.

I consider my UX strengths to be UI Design, Usability Testing, User interviews, Design Systems and Design Workshop facilitation. I am a strong advocate for baking in UX Methodologies from the start and thrive when I champion the UX processes within the team. I believe Design is a team sport and work best in a collaborative environment.

Ultimately, I have a passion for creating interactive applications that deliver delightful user experiences whether it's with code or design.

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